Describe why it is important to adhere to the agreed scope of the job role

You should always adhere to the agreed scope of your job role.

When you began your role, your employer will have explained to you what your roles and responsibilities are. This will be specified in your job description.

If you attempt to take on tasks that you are neither trained nor qualified to do, you could compromise the health and safety of yourself and others.

Similarly, if you neglect to perform some of the duties of your job role this too could affect the health and safety of yourself, your co-workers, the individuals you support or others.

As well as the possibility of causing harm to yourself or others, there is also the risk that you could face disciplinary action from your employer or even prosecution.

For example, if you attempt to perform CPR on an individual without training, you could seriously damage their rib cage and internal organs.

Or is you forget to administer medication to an individual you are responsible for (and you have been trained on how to administer their medication) they could get very ill.

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